William R. Moseley
William R. Moseley is a principal in the Jacksonville, Florida, and Atlanta, Georgia, offices of Jackson Lewis P.C. His practice focuses on representing employers in workplace law matters, including preventive advice and counsel, collective bargaining and corporate governance.
William has a particular interest in the public sector with an emphasis on public transportation. He currently serves as general counsel, counsel, and/or labor and employment counsel to numerous public transportation authorities across the United States.
William has extensive experience in negotiating labor contracts. His practice includes representing management in labor arbitrations and other grievance resolution proceedings, in National Labor Relations Board and state board charges (both as charging party and respondent) and identifying and resolving union-management conflicts before they escalate.
Prior to joining Jackson Lewis, William worked as the Chief of Staff and the Director of Legal Services for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) where he had oversight of all legal affairs of the Authority. During his time at the JTA, the Jacksonville Business Chronicle named JTA the turnaround company of the year and the American Public Transportation Authority honored JTA with the Outstanding Public Transportation Achievement Award.
In addition, William was previously the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA). During his tenure as chairman at MARTA, he presided over the opening of two new rail stations, led the Board in the hiring of a new CEO and led the Board in the adoption of the development program for Lindbergh Center, largest transit oriented development project (at that time) in the U.S. with a budget of $401 million.
Honors and Recognitions
- North Georgia Civitans, Founders Award
- Civitan Foundation, Awarded Life Membership
Pro Bono and Community Involvement
- American Public Transportation Association, Board of Directors
- American Public Transportation Association, Legal Affairs Committee - Chairman
- American Public Transportation Association, Nominating Committee
- American Public Transportation Association, Emerging Leaders Program Committee
- American Public Transportation Foundation, Board of Directors
- Atlanta Regional Commission’s Transportation and Air Quality Committee
- Atlanta Urban Design Commission
- Central Atlanta Progress, Board Member
- Emory University, Board of Visitors
- Grady Health System, Board of Visitors
- MARTA, Former Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Presbyterian Church, Elder
- Regional Leadership Institute
- Rotary Club of Jacksonville
- St. Andrews Presbyterian College, Board Member
- Transportation Research Board – Member TCRP Project J-05, Legal Aspects of Transit and Intermodal Transportation Programs
Published Works
- “Developing a Pandemic Virus Service Restoration Checklist” - APTA Standards Development Program White Paper (2020) [Co-author]
- American Public Transportation Association Legal Affairs Seminar (New Orleans, LA, February 2024) (seminar moderator)
- American Public Transportation Association Legal Affairs Seminar (Portland, OR, April 2023) (seminar moderator)
- “Making Sense of the Cacophony of Cybersecurity and Procurement,” American Public Transportation Association Legal Affairs Seminar (Boston, MA, April 2022) (moderator)
- “Legal Issues of Our Transit Systems During and After the Pandemic,” Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting (Virtual Meeting, January 2021) (presenter)
- American Public Transportation Association Legal Affairs Mini Seminar (Virtual Meeting, December 2020) (moderator)
- “Legal Issues of Our Transit Systems During and After Recovery from the Pandemic,” Transportation Research Board 59th Law Workshop (Virtual Meeting, September 2020)
- “Collective Bargaining and the FLSA – Properly Paying Overtime,” American Public Transportation Association Legal Affairs Seminar (San Diego, CA, February 2020) (presenter)
- “Transit Board of Directors – Responsibilities & Duties,” APTA Transit Board Members and Administrators Seminar (Jacksonville, FL, July 2019) (presenter)
- “Use of Business Intelligence to Achieve Financial Incentives in Collective Bargaining Agreements – One Authority’s Experience,” American Public Transportation Association Legal Affairs Seminar (Palm Springs, CA, February 2018) (presenter)
- “Big Brother in the Sunshine: How to Balance the Demands of Transparency, Privacy, and Public Records Law in the Age of Drones, Videos, and Body Cams – Labor and Employment Issues,” Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C., January 2017) (presenter)
- “Labor Law Update,” Florida Public Transportation Association Annual Meeting (Jacksonville, FL, December 2016) (presenter)
- “The Federal Rail Safety Act – Recent Developments,” Industrial Sector Organizations Conference (Las Vegas, NV, July 2015) (presenter)
Insights & news
cum laude
cum laude